energy boosting foods

Top Energy Boosting Foods to Keep You Focused All Day

No matter what activity you indulge yourself in, it requires energy. But, there can be various reasons your body may lack the energy to perform everyday tasks. Lack of sleep, work stress, and lack of workouts can be the causes of your not feeling energised. To beat that, you can consider having energy-giving food. Eating nutritious food and staying hydrated would produce energy within your body and you can overcome fatigue. Generally, every food that you eat gives you energy. When you eat your food, your body breaks those food items into macronutrients: fats, protein and carbohydrates which are used as energy. 

Sometimes people can be so low on their energy levels that just having food may not be enough. So, to fulfil your energy requirements, you can add Good Monk’s nutrition mixes to your diet. Our nutrition mix is rich in vitamins and minerals. When you’re having a meal, just add it to the food and in a few days/weeks you will feel better and energised. 

Top 10 Energy Foods To Boost Your Energy Level

Feeling fatigued lately? How about giving some energy to your body by having energy foods? There are various nutritious foods you should add to your diet to get energised and move towards a wholesome lifestyle. Here are the top 10 energy foods that you must incorporate into your diet to feel healthy and active throughout the day:

1. Nuts

When it comes to instant energy food, nuts can be a top food to consider. There are certain nutrients present in nuts that can help you salvage the day, healthwise speaking. Nuts are of various types and each of them has nutritional value. For instance, walnuts have Omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that reduce fatigue, allowing you to perform physical activity.  Furthermore, almonds are a great source of Vitamin B, protein and fibre, which offer energy to people. Pistachios, cashew nuts, Brazilian nuts and hazelnuts are magnesium-rich foods that reduce fatigue in the muscles to increase energy levels in your body. 

2. Bananas

In the energetic food list, bananas are quite a popular fruit. They are rich in antioxidants like gallocatechin, which is the same antioxidant present in green tea. This fruit also contains dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the brain that is also a great source of energy. Apart from antioxidants and dopamine, bananas are also a good source of potassium, Vitamin B6 and fibre which reduces inflammatory markers and increases energy levels in the body. 

3. Green Tea

Green tea contains fatigue-preventing components like L-theanine and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). L-theanine is present in green tea and improves reaction time, memory and alertness. 

EGCG, which is another fatigue-preventing component lowers blood concentrations of creatine kinase and lactic acid to maintain constant energy levels during exercise. Furthermore, this component increases glycogen content in muscles and liver which also induces energy in your body.  

4. Water

While you’re on the best food for instant energy, there is one essential substance that you cannot do away with, and that is water. Apart from food, your energy levels also depend on what you drink. Two-thirds of the human body weight is composed of water. Every organ and cell in your body requires water to operate properly. Feeling fatigued? The reason can be you did not have enough water. Staying hydrated can help you stay energised, and that’s why you should consume a good amount of water every day. 

5. Leafy Greens

It is impossible not to mention green vegetables when we’re talking about high energy foods. Leafy veggies like mustard greens, lettuce, kale, watercress and chard are fantastic sources of Vitamin B which helps increase cellular energy in the human body. Kale and spinach are leafy green vegetables that are rich in iron, magnesium and Vitamin C – essential nutrients that play a crucial role in producing energy. 

6. Oats

Among energy boosting foods, oats are a name you cannot miss. Oats have nutrients, fibre and complex carbohydrates that help reduce high blood sugar and deliver long-lasting energy. Furthermore, essential components like Manganese, Vitamin B and iron are present in oats that are used in energy production in the human body. 

7. Fatty Fish

Sardines, salmon, anchovies and herring are fatty fishes rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and proteins. As you already know Omega 3 fatty acids elevate body energy levels by fighting fatigue, so you must include these energy rich foods in your diet. Fatty fishes are also rich in minerals like iodine which regulates your thyroid hormone that plays an essential role in controlling your energy and mood. 

8. Dark Chocolate

Wonder about adding an instant energy giving food to your diet which is also tasty? Dark chocolate is the answer. Rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and flavonoids, dark chocolates contain all these energy-producing nutrients. They also contain less sugar and high amounts of cacao solids that increase energy levels in your body. 

9. Pumpkin Seeds

In this energy giving food list, another food that you should consume is pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium which is a vital energy-producing component. During your workout sessions, if you’re feeling fatigued, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Snacking on pumpkin seeds gives you instant energy and you can start performing better. 

10. Eggs

Eggs are a well-known item on the energy food list. They have great calorie content and are rich in proteins, which are important sources of energy. The nutrient per calorie in eggs is more than many foods, thus helping you meet hunger, which is one of the main causes of fatigue. Hence, to beat fatigue, you can include eggs in your diet. 


Feeling low in energy may mean you’re fatigued. To prevent that, you should eat nutritious foods that have the power to increase energy levels in your body. By adding the above-mentioned energy foods you can stay active throughout the day. 

Also, you can add our Nutrition Mix to your food to get an energy boost. At Good Monk, we ensure you eat healthy. Hence, our energy mixes are rich in key nutrients and are free from additional preservatives, offering you immunity and energy. 

Also Read - Top Heart-Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet for Optimal Cardiovascular Health


How do energy-boosting foods help?

Energy-boosting foods offer individuals the energy required to perform different activities like physical exercises, concentrating, sitting, and many others. 

What role does hydration play in energy levels?

Often dehydration can cause fatigue in people, this is where hydration has a role to play. Drinking plenty of fluids helps you stay hydrated and energised to perform different activities. 

How can I combine energy-boosting foods for a balanced diet?

You can figure out which food contains what nutritional value and combine different foods into your balanced diet. Furthermore, you can consult a dietician and they will draw out a chart on what foods to add to your balanced diet. If that seems too much, simply add Good Monk Nutrition Mix to your food and you will see the difference in just a few weeks. 

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