
Iron Supplements for Women to Boost Health

Iron is a mineral naturally found in many foods and food products. It is also one of the essential elements of the human body. This is quite crucial for our body to function correctly. Dietary iron exists in two forms – heme and non-heme. Non-heme iron is present in plants and iron-fortified foods. Heme iron is the form when iron and protoporphyrin IX combine.

Our body uses iron to produce both haemoglobin and myoglobin. While haemoglobin is a critical component of our red blood cells, myoglobin is a muscle protein. Both these proteins play a crucial role in supplying oxygen to their destination. A deficiency of iron hinders the free flow of oxygen and is most commonly observed in women. Several factors contribute to iron deficiency. If you are a woman, your chances of iron deficiency are higher as menstruation is a phase of blood loss. This is where the doctor recommends daily iron supplements for women. Read till the end of the blog to know why and how iron supplements can help women boost their health. 

Benefits of Iron Supplements for Women 

Iron is an essential element that is required in both men and women. However, women are more prone to iron deficiency than men. If you consume iron as per recommended doses, you can savour the following benefits of iron supplements for women. 

Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anaemia 

Iron deficiency is when your red blood cells lack the essential iron levels. Heavy blood loss during menstruation, medical conditions such as ulcers, celiac diseases, and inflammatory bowel diseases are factors contributing to iron loss from the body. Besides, the consumption of certain medications, such as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, may also result in gastrointestinal bleeding. 

Pale skin, chest pain, tiredness, headache, fast heartbeat, cold, infections, restless legs, chest pain, etc., are some symptoms indicating that you are iron deficient. In such a scenario, you should consult your doctor to check your iron levels and consume iron supplements for women as they suggested. 

Energy Levels 

Insufficiency of dietary iron can impact the body's efficiency in utilising energy. Iron is the essential carrier of oxygen to your brain and muscles. It is the most crucial element for enhancing mental and physical health performance. When you run low on your iron intake, your body starts playing with your energy levels. You may find it challenging to focus on your activity, or you may struggle with increased irritability and decreased stamina levels. In such a scenario, the best iron supplements for women can help you improve your energy levels to sustain your day-to-day activities.

Immune Support 

Alongside supporting the body's efficiency with enhanced energy levels and haemoglobin content, iron also plays a vital role in supporting the immune system. Iron pills for women help in immune cell proliferation, which is essential for the body to fight infections. Iron supplements the creation and activation of your immune cells; hence, the best iron supplements for women are highly recommended. 

Healthy Pregnancy 

Research shows that a woman's body requires 27 milligrams of iron daily during pregnancy. Dietary sources of iron include breakfast cereals, poultry, fish, dried green leafy veggies, etc. A deficiency of iron may result in risks associated with premature birth or babies with low weight. It might trigger the onset of postpartum depression in lactating mothers. Hence, during pregnancy, your gynaecologist will subject you to frequent iron examinations, and if you are found deficient, you may be put on the best iron supplements for pregnant women. 

Muscle Function 

Myoglobin is a crucial muscle protein, and iron is a prerequisite for oxygen supply to your muscle cells. A deficient iron level may impair your skeletal muscle metabolism, meaning you might lose muscle mass. Women, mainly because of their body physique, are more prone to weakening of skeletal muscle metabolism. Iron supplements may be the best choice in such a scenario. 

Reduced Risk of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 

Premenstrual syndrome is linked to changes in the hormones just before the onset of menstruation. Symptoms include frequent mood swings, irritability, food cravings, depression, and tender breasts. Iron pills for women have proven results in reducing the risks associated with premenstrual syndrome or PMS. 


The best iron supplements for women can help prevent anaemia and other iron deficiency-related deficiency-related issues. You must check with your doctor before using iron supplements to meet your body's requirements. Though iron supplements have a lot of benefits, there may be associated side effects as well. Taking more than the recommended values too can negatively impact your body.

If you want to add a trustable source of iron, you have got many products from Good Monk. We are a startup firm investing our ardent efforts into inspiring people to eat nutritious food and live healthier. Our crucial research lies in nutritive formulations such as nutrition mixes, instant fruit drink mixes, and nutrition bars. With our nutraceutical formulations, we supplement the essential nutrients you lack in your daily food intake. Check out our products and pick the right one for you now!


1. Why do women need iron supplements?

Women's bodies undergo pathophysiological and hormonal changes every month during their menstruation phase, which involves a lot of iron and blood loss. Women need more iron supplements to supplement their daily iron intake. 

2. How do I know if I need an iron supplement?

You may need an iron supplement when your dietary iron intake is insufficient. This happens when your body sends signals like shortness of breath, frequent fatigue, cold hands and feet, craving for strange substances, soreness at the corner of your mouth, etc. 

3. What types of iron supplements are available?

Iron supplements are available as oral pills on tonics or food mixes. These formulations contain iron as ferric citrate fe, ferrous sulphate fe, ferric sulphate, or ferrous gluconate. 

4. Are there any side effects of taking iron supplements for women?

Stomach upset, nausea and vomiting are the most common side effects you may come across. Therefore, starting your iron supplements under proper medical supervision is always advisable.

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